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Seeking the Ruin of Souls

Not many people comprehend what eternity is.  Fools that they are!  Fools!  We are engaged in a spiritual warfare, a battle between God and Satan, for our immortal soul.  The choices we make will determine the outcome. 

A woman from Chicago once told me that a demon said to her, “We will battle for your soul your whole life.”  The holier you become, the more intense the spiritual warfare.  Satan and the demons will fight you to the end and will not give up.  Spiritual warfare is a fight until death for until the end of time the devils will use their angelic intelligence and strength to oppose and obstruct all that is good.

As a result of original sin, God punished mankind by allowing Satan to exercise a “reign of death” over the human race.  This “reign of death” is manifested in many ways: temptation, infestation, obsession, possession, and black magic.  Demons intensely hate us and can injure us in body and soul. 

“Satan and the demons... continually strive by lies, [temptations,] and false pretenses to seduce... [us] to commit sin and thereby incur eternal damnation.”  (Pohle-Preuss, God—The Author of Nature and the Supernatural, p. 345.)  We must fight against formidable enemies, for Saint Peter has written, “For your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, goes about seeking someone to devour.  Resist him, steadfast in the faith.”  (1 Peter 5: 8-9.)   Since time is short, Satan is trying harder than ever to take as many souls to Hell with him as possible.

Demons have a job to do—to destroy people through sin so that they spend eternity in Hell.  Hell is eternal; it is permanent.  It is total separation from God, total isolation, despair, helplessness and torture with no respite whatsoever.  The damned are tortured forever.  God is infinitely merciful, but also just.  When the sentence is passed, there’s no more mercy and the soul’s fate is sealed forever.  Unrepentant sinners blame God for sending them to Hell, but they really sent themselves there. They rejected God’s infinite mercy and refused to repent before they died in the state of mortal sin.
                                                                                                                                                                          When we commit sin, we open doors to evil.  Evil is very structured; sin is also structured.  Unless we are vigilant, sin will creep into our lives so slowly and seemingly small at first that it is hardly noticed.  Nevertheless, this condition is extremely dangerous to the soul. 

Addictions and habitual sins usually begin with a slight temptation.  The temptation must be quickly resisted by prayer and fleeing from the danger.  If the soul repeatedly consents to sin, it may take a lifetime to conquer it.  Satan promises happiness, but only delivers momentary pleasure followed by uneasiness, bitterness, guilt, shame, and punishment.    

Our Lord said, “He who is not with Me is against Me.”  We must choose our master: God or Satan.  We cannot hibernate or refuse to choose.  There is a difference between following God or following the devil.  When I follow God, I say, “I will do whatever is right no matter how I feel.”  When I follow the devil, I say, “I will do whatever I feel, no matter what is right.” 

Selfishness is the leading cause of problems in our relationship with God.  When a soul cares more about himself or herself than God, there is a problem.  Don’t let ego get in the way.  In our relationship with God, He wants us to conform ourselves to His holy will by our love and obedience.  It’s not about getting our own way.  When we give up our own way or what we want for the love of God, we show that we care about Him first and foremost.
                                                                                                                                                           Why does God require us to engage in spiritual warfare in order to save our immortal soul?  Just as God tested the angels and our first parents, He tries us in order that we may merit the happiness of Heaven by our obedience.  God gave us free-will to choose good or evil and He will judge us accordingly.  He provides all souls with the graces necessary for salvation.

The greatest sacrifice of our free-will is to offer God our love and obedience.  Obedience is the
The humility and obedience of Our Lady were clearly manifested at the Annunciation when she said, “Behold the handmaid of the Lord.  Be it done unto me according to thy word.”  Conversely, the pride and disobedience of Lucifer were demonstrated when he told God, “I will not serve!” Our primary purpose in life is to glorify God and to save our immortal soul.  Strictly speaking, in order to be saved we must be in the state of sanctifying grace, pray, co-operate with God’s grace, and obey the commandments.  God wants us to be with Him in Heaven where there is only good, love, peace, joy, and everlasting happiness. 

God loves all of humanity and He does not want even one person to go to Hell, but many choose to go to there because they refuse to love God and obey His commandments.  Instead, they choose sin and do what they want.  Sin is disobedience to God’s laws and an abuse of our free-will.  After death, unrepentant sinners lose their chance for Heaven because they were stupid, trusted the evil that is in this world, and died in the state of mortal sin.   
The greatest sacrifice of our free-will is to offer God our love and obedience.  Obedience is the surrendering of our will in order that we may fulfill the holy will of God.  God’s glory is then promoted by all that we do in order to be subject to Him.  This includes obeying the commandments, fulfilling our daily duty, corresponding with God’s grace, overcoming temptation, offering our prayers to Him, receiving the sacraments, offering up our sufferings, performing acts of charity, etc.  “This is the object of obedience.  If inspired by love [of God,] it is the supreme act of love.”  (Rev. Henry Brinkmeyer, A Retreat for Sisters, p. 253.) 
God makes use of the demons to inspire us with a horror of sin and to increase our faith.  Demons are like chained attack dogs that have limited power.  They will assault and tempt us, but are restrained by God.  Demons sometimes promise and give people anything they want, but they will take their souls in the end.  Damnation of human souls is what demons ultimately want.

Demons are our ruthless enemies and want to destroy our marriages, homes, families, friendships, parishes, country, and belief in God.   Satan tells the demons what to do, who to tempt, and who to torment.  Sometimes the names of demons signify their mission.  Some that I have personally dealt with in exorcisms include Pride, Vanity, Suffering, Control, Deformity, Despair, Destruction, Unforgiveness, Depression, Suspicion, Hate, Abuse, Infirmity, Seduction, Tragedy, and Torture.  Demons relentlessly tempt us to commit sin, to be proud and self-centered, so that we die in the state of mortal sin and spend eternity with them in Hell. 

The devil never sleeps.  Satan and the demons continually strive to ruin, frustrate, thwart, and sabotage our efforts to be holy.  Don’t ever underestimate the power and seduction of the devil because his traps and deceptions are cunning and innumerable.  In order to draw people away from God and toward sin, demons put distraction, after distraction, and distraction before them.  When souls become absorbed and attached to the things of this world, they become spiritually blinded.  Satan and demons attack us at our weakest point.  They place obstacles such as temptations, complacency, pride, lust, discouragement, worldliness, gossip, and tepidity to try to prevent us from fulfilling the will of God and to cause the ruin of our souls.

One of Satan’s traps is a universal relaxation in all things pertaining to God.  So many people do not want to have any kind of religion.  They want to just do their own thing and worship at their own pace and in their own way.  This was expressed by a fallen-away Catholic who said, “I am committed to God, not a church.  My personal relationship with the Lord is based on me and only me—no other man or church, so I will do what is fit for me.  I go to church when I need to go.”  Such people do not want to fit into God’s paradigm, but want Him to fit into theirs.
We can overcome temptations to unbelief by prayer, frequent Confession and Holy Communion, fasting, and the daily recitation of the rosary.  Catholics must avoid dangers to faith including provocative fashions, the media, evil movies, lying, neglect of prayer and the sacraments, hatred, alcoholism, drugs, and pornography. 

When others leave the Faith, all people can do is to pray and make sacrifices for them, let them know the truth, and then it’s up to them to listen or not.  Some people are stubborn.  No matter what you tell them, it will not faze them since they do not have faith.  Some come back; others do not.  Of the mothers who pray the rosary, their children have a chance.  Pray, fast, make novenas, and have Masses offered for the conversion of your children.
Every sin stems from pride.  It is one of the worst sins because it encompasses all the others.  Ecclesiasticus states that pride is “the beginning of all sin.”  It was the sin of Satan who refused to serve and adore God.  Pride is an excessive love of self and an undue sense of our own superiority or value. 

Pride is unreasonable because it is always the product of lies and falsehood.  Cut it out of your life like a cancer.  Pride is responsible for wars, divorces, friendships torn apart, children not speaking to their parents, and families that do not speak to each other for years.  Hatred is powerful when it is used against others.  It should, instead, be used against sin.  

“Self- delusion, [the] blindness of [a] soul to its own condition, is one of the worst outcomes of secret pride...  In their self-conceit and self-sufficiency, they have blinded themselves.”  (Rev. Henry Brinkmeyer, A Retreat for Sisters, p. 118.)  Jeremias has written, “Thy arrogance hath deceived thee and the pride of thy heart.”  Proud persons smother the voice of conscience, resist the plainest dictates of common sense, have a hardened heart, cling to their prejudices, shut out the light, ask no advice nor take it when given, will not listen to any admonition, and commit sins of injustice.
St. Peter stated, “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”     We can become humble by practicing charity and obedience, by bowing down to God’s will and accepting it without complaining.  Forgive those who hurt you in any way, shape, or form.  Be humble and loving.  If you want to be holy, be humble.  If you want to be very holy, be very humble.

St. Vincent de Paul has written, “The most powerful weapon with which to overcome the devil is humility; because, not knowing how to use it, he does not even know how to defend himself from it.”  St. Augustine said, “Humility is the foundation of all the other virtues; hence, in the soul in which this virtue does not exist there cannot be any other virtue except in mere appearance.  Similarly, it is the best disposition to receive celestial gifts.”  (The Spiritual Diary, p. 35.) 

Many sinners like their immoral lifestyle.  Pride never allows them to ask for spiritual help.  Once the devil has a grip, he does not let go.  Most people continue to sin and don’t care about where they end up after death because they don’t believe there is a Heaven or a Hell or a Purgatory.  They live for the pleasures of this world alone and feel that there is nothing after this life—so they say, “Enjoy it when you can.” 

Our Lady of Fatima said, “More souls go to Hell for sins of the flesh than for any other reason.”  Sadly, the majority of young men and women are not pure, holy, and virginal.  The demons in Hell love this fact. 

Vanity is the result of too much focus on self and not on spiritual things and God.  There is so much materialism and completion among females.  Women sometimes dress indecently to impress other women, not just men, because they are in competition and want to show off.    
The devil successfully uses phones and computers as his tools to destroy souls.  Computers and phones have evil games and pornography, along with destructive social media.  Most television shows are bad, along with the commercials.  The devil controls many things, including the media and movies.  Many movies glorify murder, fornication, adultery, and drug abuse.  As a result, people are desensitized and do not see these things as evil or harmful to their souls.

The devil also uses discouragement against us.  Discouragement always springs from wounded and disappointed self-love and pride.  “We have been hurt, we have not succeeded, we have failed; our self-respect has been wounded; an unkind word has been said to us; our ambitions have been curbed; our plans have not been endorsed; a friend has abandoned us or an enemy has been made; others are praised, we are forgotten; bad inclinations that we thought dead arise from the depths with renewed vigor; we make no headway in self-conquest despite our prayers and communions; we relapse always into the same old sins and weaknesses...  We have tried so hard and we are no better than we were years ago... and our labors are not appreciated.”  (Rev. Henry Brinkmeyer, Retreat for Sisters, p. 107.)  An inordinate love of self is at the bottom of all these complaints.

St. Paul said, “To those who love God, all things work together unto good.”  Our falls into sin can cause us to humble ourselves, experience God’s infinite mercy and be used as stepping stones to something higher by evoking new efforts.  We are a failure only when we stop trying and make no attempt to rise and amend our life. 

When souls fall into discouragement, panic often ensues; it paralyzes them.  Discouragement often leads to despair, not immediately, but gradually.  We must make the resolution to never yield to discouragement.   “Let us determine never to listen to... [Satan’s] voice bidding us to stop trying, suggesting the omission of this or that [prayer or spiritual] exercise, telling us that we shall never succeed, whispering to us that we are failures, that God does not love us, that we shall never be conquerers of ourselves, that we shall never be saved.”  (Brinkmeyer, 113.)  What the saints who have preceded us have accomplished, we also can accomplish through humility, prayer, faith, trust in God, and co-operation with grace.    
Satan tries to make us helpless by making us hopeless.  If people pray to Our Lord and Our Lady, their despair would turn to hope.  They need to trust in God, but many people don’t trust because they want things now and their way.  Sometimes sacrifice is needed as well as patience and prayer.  Hopelessness can be avoided if we look to the things of Heaven because nothing in this world is forever and will not bring true peace and happiness anyway.  Many fall into despair and die from drug and alcohol abuse, suicide, and other kinds of reckless behavior.
Many people are to the point of despair because they do not trust that God will get them out of the situation.  They do not see a way out, but God is the way out and Our Lady will help them.  The following short prayer shows Mary’s power: “Precious Mother Mary, Mother of Divine Grace, you always make a way where there is no way.  Please help me.”  Most people are full of pride.  If they are less prideful, pray, and surrender to God, He will help them.
How can people overcome hopelessness?  Be charitable, stop focusing on themselves and be more focused on others; help them.  Remain close to God and the sacraments.  Be loving towards friends and family.  Peace and strength are not found in self-sufficiency or in any worldly type of security, but only in God.

“Let nothing trouble you, let nothing frighten you.  All is quickly passing.  God alone changes not.  Patience endurance will obtain everything.  Whoever has God wants for nothing.  God alone suffices.”  These are the wise words of St. Teresa of Avila.
Do not be afraid.  Fear is what Satan and the demons want.  They want you to be afraid.  However, if we are on God’s side and are under Mary’s mantle, we will receive supernatural aid.  “Many devils appeared in the form of wild beasts to a newly-converted... [Catholic] of Japan, and tried to frighten him, but he, unmoved, bade them do their worst, as far as they were permitted by God.  ‘I have no arms,’ he said, ‘to defend... [myself] from your fury; my only protection is the sweet names of Jesus and Mary...’  [Scarcely] had he pronounced those powerful names, when the earth opened and swallowed... [the demons] up before his eyes.  (D. Roberto, The Love of Mary, pp. 104-105.)

Demons like it when priests and people are so afraid of them that they forget that God and the Blessed Virgin Mary are more powerful than all Hell together.  The demons try to keep priests and people so fearful that they forget to pray to God and Our Lady for help.  We must be very cautious of the snares and deceptions of the evil spirits because they still have the powers of their angelic nature that far exceed human nature. 
“Let us fear no evil because the Lord is with us.”  Prayer united with complete faith and total trust in God will give us the light and strength we need.  We also need courage and perseverance—the continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition.  Through prayer, co-operation with grace, and humble reliance on God we will reach our goal.
Satan and the demons also blind souls through worldliness, causing them to totally disregard eternity.  Souls infected with worldliness seek only sinful pleasures, power, wealth, or success at any cost.  They are enslaved to human respect and seek not to please God, but only to please themselves.  God never holds the supreme place in their life.  Satan is the ruler of this world and to him its corruption is wonderful.  Sadly, most people are corrupt.

We must remember that everything in life is temporary and will one day be left behind.  The only things that we can take with us into eternity are our merits and our sins.  We must avoid Hell at all costs by co-operating with God’s grace, putting forth the effort necessary to save our immortal soul, and avoiding the spirit of the world.
The devil also incites us to gossip, because it is a common sin that causes great division in homes, families, churches, etc.  Gossip ruins reputations and damages relationships.  It can cause division between parishioners, priests, and everyone in general, especially if it’s malicious.  Communication by phone, text, and social media is not sinful if it is necessary, just, charitable, true, and beneficial to all.  It’s better to be silent than chatty.  Chattiness eventually leads to sin because it can turn to gossip and many other things.  It is better to be silent than to say unkind things.  In Hell, gossips will be tormented in the tongue and mouth.  Think before you speak.      
We must guard our speech and treat others as family members since we all belong to God.  People should stay quieter.  If they have nothing good to say, they should offer up their silence.  Look at the good in everyone instead of the negative.  St. Joseph spoke little because he was continually praying.

Limit your phone usage.  That gadget that people are on for hours and hours prevents them from praying and is generally a waste of precious time.  That is something that Satan and the demons like.  They want people to be addicted to their phone because they’re on it almost every opportunity.  Some people can’t be without it for an hour, let alone one day.  Since phones are frequently used for evil purposes such as pornography, evil websites and games, they have become Satan’s tabernacle. 

Remember that demons tempt people to infidelity in many ways.  Don’t look at filthy, sick websites, movies, books, and magazines.  Males must not look at females with lust and perversion in their eyes.  Males must guard their eyes, thoughts and hearts. 
Females, don’t wear revealing clothing.  If you do, you sin and you cause men who are watching you to commit sin.  Do not go to filthy, sick parties.  Avoid hanging around people who will take you off the right track.  Hang around good Catholic friends.

Excessive drinking and drugs lead to seduction.  When people lose control of their senses, they do many things they later regret.  Marijuana is used by many as a medicine or as an escape, but it leads to other drugs.  It takes away people’s ambition and makes them lazy.  They don’t want to do anything with their lives.  Marijuana is sold as something not so bad, but it still affects the body and mind.

When people give in to temptation and sin, graces are rejected and it becomes easier to just continue to sin again and again.  Unbelief enters to the point that people do not care about what happens to their immortal soul.  That’s what Satan and the demons want—for people not to believe.  Habitual mortal sin leads to a loss of faith.  It is a moral, not an intellectual problem.

The first step in Satan’s plan to cause Catholics to lose their faith is tepidity.  He tempts us to perform our religious duties merely through routine, without any energy or enthusiasm regarding attendance at Mass, reception of the sacraments, and prayer.  This leads to indifference regarding the evil of venial sin.   By degrees, the soul becomes callous, with no remorse for the evil of venial sin. 

Venial sins are then scarcely noticed and become habitual.  “The soul is in a comatose condition, not necessarily fatal, but approaching the danger line [and eventually the big fall of mortal sin.]”  (Rev. Henry Brinkmeyer, Retreat for Sisters, p. 144.)  Venial sin weakens the soul, desensitizes the conscience and sets the soul up for a mortal fall.

Through tepidity, the soul is no longer vigilant to avoid unnecessary occasions of sin or triggers.  It grows negligent and falls into mortal sin.  The next step is hardness of heart where sins increase in number and gravity.  This goes on for months or even years.  Ordinary daily duties are performed, but the soul is addicted and enslaved to a secret vice.   The final step is that the corruption within the soul enslaved to mortal sin becomes evident to others.  The person’s behavior gives many exterior signs of the horrible condition of his or her soul. 

At this point, a person stops saying prayers, gives up confession, misses Mass with regularity, no longer avoids the occasion of sin, habitually rejects God’s grace, and is reluctant to put forth any effort to be good.  This sets up a pattern.   The person demands self-satisfaction and his or her weaknesses and vices take control.

Can such a tragic state of soul ever be cured?  The soul is in serious danger of going to Hell; nevertheless, with God all things are possible.  Our Lord can cure a soul bound in sin, but it must first want to break its bad habits, be vigilant, pray, practice self-denial, and receive the sacraments.  God’s mercy is infinite, but the soul must avail itself of it while there is still time.  Heaven is full of repentant sinners who were the recipients of God’s infinite mercy.

The forces of evil are waging war against us.  How can we defeat them in this spiritual warfare? The following will provide grace, power, and protection: frequent attendance at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, frequent reception of the sacraments, family prayer each day, including the recitation of the rosary, adoration of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, practicing devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, prayers to St. Michael, fasting and self-denial, getting your home blessed, and the use of sacramentals, especially the Brown Scapular, the St. Benedict medal, the Miraculous Medal, the rosary, Holy Water, etc.
The rosary is Our Lady’s favorite prayer.  Satan and the demons hate it because it attacks and weakens them.  They scream when they see those beads and tremble when we begin to pray the rosary.  Demons try to prevent us from praying the rosary because it saves souls, snatches souls in danger of Hell, and converts sinners.   

Pray the rosary as it should be prayed.  When we devoutly pray the rosary, the Blessed Virgin Mary sends graces down to help us.  The rosary protects us from sinning.  Our Lady of Fatima told Lucia that the rosary would have special efficacy in these times.

Prayer gives us light, strength, consolation, pardon, help, grace, and love.  All those who burn in Hell did not pray or prayed little.  Prayer is the first step toward God and it is the decisive step.  To him who prays with perseverance, little by little, God gives so much light, so much strength, that even the most debased sinner will at the end come to salvation.  St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori said, “He who prays will certainly save his soul.  He who does not pray will certainly lose his soul.”  Prayer is powerful against Satan and evil spirits.  Therefore, they attempt to distract us during prayer or cause us to shorten them or omit them altogether. 

Pray much, pray much, especially the rosary.  We must have a consistent daily prayer schedule.  We can’t be up and down and only pray when something is wrong or we’re afraid something bad is going to happen.  St. Teresa of Avila said it was unlikely that a person would save his soul if he did not spend at least 10 minutes per day in prayer.

Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary rescues numberless souls from the devil.  Our Lady is the Cause of our Joy, but she is the cause of the demise and torment of demons.  On Mount Carmel, centuries before the birth of Our Lord, the prophet Elias saw forming over the sea a small cloud in the shape of a foot, foretelling the Woman foretold in Genesis who would crush the head of the serpent.  She is terrible to the evil spirits, crushes their heads, and sends them back to the pit of Hell.                                                                                                                               

Demons hated Mary since the beginning of time because she is human and so holy, humble, good, and powerful.  Our Lady protects people and leads them to her Divine Son.   She is our spiritual mother and clearly sees our needs and dangers.  As the Mother of Mercy, she is moved with compassion and hastens to help us, console us, provide for us, and defend us, especially when we are devoted to her and confidently and lovingly invoke her aid.

St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori said, “A devout servant of Mary will never perish.”  This means that they will not go to Hell.  The Blessed Virgin Mary will fight for their soul at the end of their lives, but they must pray.

“St. Bonaventure says that the devils fly before her face as wax melts before the fire.  When they hear her name they tremble, and many are the victories over them which the servants of Mary have gained by the mere invocation of her name.”  (D. Roberto, The Love of Mary, p. 104.)  “A tame parrot that was kept in the house learned the Ave Maria and often repeated it.  It happened one day that escaping from its cage into the open air, this parrot was caught by a falcon; the poor thing, squeezed in his talons, cried Ave Maria!  Ave Maria!  The falcon fell dead on the ground and the parrot in triumph sang, Ave Maria!  Ave Maria!” (Roberto, 197-198.)

St. Louis Marie de Montfort summarized total consecration to Jesus through Mary when he said we should live by Mary, with Mary, in Mary, and for Mary.  This is explained by Thomas à Kempis: “Salute Mary, think of Mary, invoke Mary, honor Mary, commend yourselves to Mary, remain with Mary in your house and walk with Mary when you go out; rejoice with Mary, grieve with Mary, work with Mary, pray with Mary; with Mary carry Jesus in your arms, stand with Mary at the foot of the Cross of Jesus, live and die with Mary and Jesus.  Do this and you will live.”  (D. Roberto, The Love of Mary, p. 366.)

Let us perseveringly pray for the conversion of sinners, especially our family members and loved ones.  Many prayers, united with sacrifices can snatch sinners from the devil’s grasp, even though it may take time.  Be kind, loving, forgiving, merciful, and charitable to others.  Be as Christlike and Marylike as you can.  Read good books.  Avoid the temptations the world uses to seduce so many souls: pornography, drugs, alcohol, and many other things.

Life is not a preseason game or a dress rehearsal—you have only one life to get it right.  Life is the training ground provided by God to sanctify and save your immortal soul, to build character and develop qualities that will make your society and nation a better place.  With each passing day, time slips by faster and faster, like sand through an hourglass.  You are only allotted so much time before you die.  Then life is over and the time for mercy ceases.

As the battle for your immortal soul rages, there must be no giving in, no throwing up your arms in hopelessness.  God’s grace and Our Lady’s intercession will sustain you.  It is your duty to pray and ask for God’s help, co-operate with His grace, keep the Faith, and never consent to mortal sin.
You must remind yourself daily that when all is said and done, it is not your parents, friends, or neighbors who will be held accountable for the choices you have made.  As you live, so shall you die, and so shall you be for eternity.  You will reap what you sow.  This life is a period of preparation for the next. 

Not many people comprehend what eternity is.  Fools that they are!  Fools!  Heaven or Hell, whichever it be, is only the logical continuation of the kind of life you have lived here on earth.  He who continually fears Hell, will never fall into it; but he who is negligent will undoubtedly fall.

I’ll conclude with a story.  “Francis Ottajano, a student of the famous university of Alcalà [Spain] was most devout to the blessed Virgin, but was so troubled with doubts of his... [salvation] that he was continually tormented with the most horrible fears of his damnation.  He was on the very brink of despair.”

“One day when he had been more than usually troubled by these thoughts, the Blessed Virgin appeared to him, accompanied by a multitude of angels and saints... and said to him: ‘My son, why do you fear?  Why do you not confide in me?  Do you not know that I am the mother of compassion and mercy?’”

“‘Look at this book; it is the Book of Life, in which are written the names of all those that are saved.  Here is your name placed among those of the predestined, together with the names of all those who will be saved by your preaching.’  The young man raising his eyes, saw, with infinite delight, his own name written in letters of gold; but however much he tried to read the names of the others, it was impossible for him to do so.  The amiable lady then, smiling, shut the book, and, giving him her benediction, disappeared; and with her departed all the troubles... of the young man.”  (D. Roberto, The Love of Mary, pp. 319-320.)


Queen of Angels Catholic Church in Santa Clarita, California, is much like any Catholic church you might have attended before the Second Vatican Council occurred in the 1960's. This Council, supposedly intended to bring about a genuine spiritual renewal in the living of our Faith, inaugurated liturgical changes that broke drastically from the Church's sacred liturgy and traditions of nearly 2,000 years. It is because of these changes and the resultant universal loss of faith among so many bishops, priests, nuns and laity, that Queen of Angels and chapels like this one are drawing more and more interest from concerned Catholics all over the world.

The pastor of Queen of Angels is Father Dominic Radecki, CMRI, a priest belonging to the religious Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen . The bishop and priests of the Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen (CMRI) offer only the Tridentine Latin Mass in all the churches and chapels they serve. Remaining faithful to all of the Church's venerable teachings and traditions, Queen of Angels Church reflects the stability and endurance of truths and doctrines that will never change with the times.

The faithful receive Holy Communion on their tongues as they kneel at the communion rail in humble adoration of the Real Presence of God. Ladies wear head coverings and modest clothing out of respect. The reverent silence in the House of God indicates a living faith in Christ Who dwells in the tabernacle.

We have a full schedule of activities at our church. The Sacraments are administered exactly the way they were before Vatican II: Baptism, Confirmation, Penance, the Holy Eucharist, Matrimony and Extreme Unction. Parish organizations who attend Queen of Angels, ranging from basic catechism instruction for the youth and converts to the Faith, to our Confraternity of Christian Mothers. For those who wish to lead a more dedicated spiritual life, we have the Confraternity of Mary Immaculate Queen. We invite you to check out all of our parish activities on this website.

We at Queen of Angels welcome visitors to our parish at anytime of the year, but especially at Christmas and Easter. Although the number of parishioners has outgrown our small church, newcomers are always welcome.

Each of our parishioners adds something unique to the family atmosphere we think is very special here at our church. Come and see it for yourself! If you have not been to a Latin Mass in many years, if you have never been to one at all, you will be pleasantly surprised at what you find at Queen of Angels. You will feel as if you have come home, as indeed you have.

Outside image Queen of Angels Catholic Church
Queen of Angels Catholic Church

Prayer to the August Queen of Heaven

August Queen of Heaven, Sovereign Mistress of the Angels, who didst receive from the beginning the mission and the power to crush the serpent's head, we beseech thee to send thy holy angels, that under thy command and by thy power they may pursue the evil spirits, encounter them on every side, resist their bold attacks, and drive them hence into the abyss of woe.

Most holy Mother, send thy angels to defend us and to drive the cruel enemy from us.

All ye holy Angels and Archangels, keep and defend us. Amen

O good and tender Mother Thou shalt ever be our love and our hope.

Holy Angels and Archangels, keep and defend us. Amen

Novena of Confidence
to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

(for family relations that have fallen away)

O Lord Jesus Christ, to Thy Most Sacred Heart I confide this intention (silently mention here the names you are praying for). Only look upon me, then do what Thy Heart inspires. Let Thy Sacred Heart decide. I count on it. I trust in it. I throw myself on its mercy, Lord Jesus! Thou wilt not fail me.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in Thee.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I believe in Thy love for me.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, Thy Kingdom come!

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, I have asked Thee for many favors, but I earnestly implore this one. Take it, place it in Thy open, broken Heart, and when the Eternal Father looks upon it, covered with Thy Precious Blood, He will not refuse it.s It will no longer be my prayer but Thine, O Sacred Heart of Jesus. O Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in Thee. Let me never be confounded. Amen.

May Crowning Before MassMay Crowning Before Mass
The following true story explains this well.

The university professor challenged his students with this question.  “Did God create everything that exists?” 
A student bravely replied, “Yes, he did!”  “God created everything?” the professor asked.  “Yes,” the student replied.  The professor answered, “If God created everything, then God created evil since evil exists, and according to the principle that our works define who we are, then God is evil.” 

The student became quiet before such an answer.  The professor was quite pleased with himself and boasted to the students that he had proven once more that the Christian faith was a myth.  At that point, another student raised his hand and said, “Can I ask you a question professor?”  “Of course,” replied the professor. 
The student stood up and asked, “Professor does cold exist?”  “What kind of question is this?  Of course it exists.  Have you never been cold?”

The students snickered at the young man’s question.  The young man replied, “In fact sir, cold does not exist.  According to the laws of physics, what we consider cold is in reality the absence of heat.  Absolute zero (-460 degrees F) is the total absence of heat; all matter becomes inert and incapable of reaction at that temperature.  Cold does not exist.  We have created this word to describe “the absence of heat.” 

The student continued.  “Professor, does darkness exist?”  The professor responded, “Of course it does.” 
The student replied, “Once again you are wrong sir, darkness does not exist either.  Darkness is in reality the absence of light.  You cannot measure darkness.  A simple ray of light can break into a world of darkness and illuminate it.  How can you know how dark a certain space is?  You measure the amount of light present.  Isn’t this correct?  Darkness is a term used by man to describe what happens when there is no light present.”

Finally the young man asked the professor.  “Sir, does evil exist?”  Now uncertain, the professor responded, “Of course!  We see it every day. 
It is in the daily example of man’s inhumanity to man.  It is in the multitude of crime and violence everywhere in the world.  These manifestations are nothing else but evil.” 

To this, the student replied, “Evil does not exist sir, or at least it does not exist in itself.  Evil is simply the absence of God.  It is just like darkness and cold, a word that man has created to describe the absence of God.  God did not create evil.  Evil is not like faith, or love that exist just as does light and heat.  Evil is the result of what happens when man does not have God’s love present in his heart.  It’s like the cold that comes when there is no heat or the darkness that comes when there is no light.”  The professor sat down.

The young man’s name – Albert Einstein.
May Crowning

He has risen
Queen of Angels Easter

Queen of Angels Catholic Church Altar
Queen of Angels Altar

Queen of Angels May Procession

May Crowing ceremony for Our Lady at Queen of Angels Catholic Church
May Crowning


The time may be delayed, the manner may be unexpected, but the answer is sure to come.

Not a tear of sacred sorrow, not a breath of holy desire poured out to God will ever be lost, but in God's own time and way will be wafted back again in clouds of mercy and fall in showers of blessings on you and on those for whom you pray.

Weekly Sermons

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General Information

Baptisms: One parent and the sponsors must be practicing Catholics who attend only the Traditional Latin Mass. Call the pastor to make arrangements.

Sundays -
one hour before Mass. Weekdays - 10 minutes before Mass.
1st Friday and 1st Saturday - during the Rosary.

Communion for the Sick:
Inform Father if you are unable to attend Mass and wish to receive Holy Communion and/or Extreme Unction.

For registered members of Queen of Angels parish only. Please contact the rectory at least six months prior to the wedding date for marriage instructions.

Mass Intentions:
If you would like to have Holy Mass offered for your intention, please use the envelopes provided in the back of the church. The customary offering is $25.00. Mass requests are honored in the order in which they are received. If you wish a Mass offered on a particular day, it must be submitted at least a month in advance. Mass requests for special days will be honored when possible.

First Holy Communion Classes:
Classes are held every Sunday at 9:30 AM.

Confirmation Classes:
For the children: on the first and third Sunday of the month at 9:30 AM.
For the adults: on the second and fourth Sunday of the month at 9:30 AM.

Prayers For Rain

O God, in Whom we live, move and have our being, grant us seasonable rain, so that our temporal needs being sufficiently supplied, we may seek with greater confidence after things eternal.

Be appeased, we beseech Thee, O Lord, by the gifts which we offer, and garnt us in season the blessing of sufficient rain.

Grant us, we beseech Thee, O Lord, beneficial rain and deign to pour out showers from Heaven upon the parched face of the earth. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost. God, world without end. Amen

First Communion


Corpus Christi

Summer Camp

Quiet InstructionGrade SchoolFun Time

Queen of Angels Catholic Church is located in Santa Clarita, California and draws parishioners to the Traditional Latin Mass (Tridentine Mass) from all over Southern CA and the Greater Los Angeles areas.

Queen of Angels Catholic Church
24244 Newhall Avenue
Santa Clarita, California 91321

(Click Here For Driving Directions) 

  Pastor: Fr. Dominic Radecki, CMRI
Fr. Luis Jurado
Church: (661) 255-9849
  Fr. Dominic Mobile: (661) 618-0075
  Fr. Jurado Mobile: (661) 733-5138
 FAX: (661) 269-5134

 Please use the address below for mailing purposes:

PO Box 220208
Santa Clarita, CA 91322